📄️ React Native Introduction
React Native is an open source framework developed by Facebook for building cross-platform mobile applications. It allows developers to develop native applications using JavaScript and React, making it more efficient to build applications for iOS and Android. Since its first release in 2015, React Native has quickly become an important tool for mobile application development and has been widely welcomed by developers and enterprises.
📄️ Basic Learning
Official Website
📄️ previousState Function
In React Native, previousState is often used to handle component state updates, especially when you need to modify the previous state when updating the state. React's setState method accepts a function as a parameter, which receives previousState and props as parameters, allowing you to update the current state based on the previous state value.
📄️ Navigation
DOCS Official Website
📄️ Plugin Library
React Native plugin libraries are a collection of additional features, components, or tools designed to extend and enhance the capabilities of React Native applications. These plugin libraries are developed by the community or official teams and address common development needs such as image processing, UI components, device function access, network requests, storage management, etc.